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Over Thinking a Curse or Blessing?

Tess Brown

I'm an overthinker. Was I born one? Was it something that I chose? There I go again. I can't remeber a time when my mind wasn't running miles a minute anazlying EVERYTHING. So much to think about. Facial expression, scenery, setting, my emotions, their emotions, whys, ifs, buts, wheres, whos, whens, context, and the list goes on and on....

Where does this thinking get me? Well it brings me a lot of unecessary heart ache, stress, and anxiety. Questions, questions, and more questions is the name of the game. Below are some side affects of an over thinking mind.

1. Second guessing everything

Did they really say that? I think this is what they meant, but I have a suspiscion it wasn't. The other day I was complaining to my friend that guys are so complicated. He responded with, "No they are quite simple." That's a debate for another time, but I think I relized that the person making the situtation complicated was me.

2. Having insominia

The questions concerning the past, present, and future keep me up at night. Circles of thought going around, every time with a new dilemma.

3. Regret often

On the occasion that I come to a conclusion and choose to act on it, regret is often a side affect. I jumped to a conclusion and over shot my response. Now the issue is worse then it was

4. Never feeling 100% certain

The struggle is real.

These are all hard things to deal with, but over the years I have found that my hyper drive brain is a blessing as well. Below is a list of benefits of "over thinking."

1. Creativity

With all those neurons firing and connections being made there is great opportunity to see relations between things. My best art is made from my mind combining color, meaning, emotions, objects, and personal style all in one. It takes a hyper active mind to do that.

2. Problem Solving

Yes, thinking a situation over extensively can in fact provide a solution.

3. Great Observation Skills

I do have an innate gift of anayzing actions, voice, and facial expressions to make someone a profile.

Picking up the details is important.

4. Predict the Future

A life of anayzing the patterns of my life and trends in actions of others I can predict the future some what.

5. Better at working on relationships

My friendships run smoother because I can easily pick on on ques on wheather my friend is happy or sad. I often know what they are need of without them saying it. I also know where my short coming are, and how to work on them.

6. Learns Faster

My mind is constantly rewiring and filing away new information for later.

7. Prepared for many situations

Any situation? My mind has covered so many "what if" situations that I'm ready for anything.

8. Self aware

I like to think I'm quite aware of my presences in any given environment, and how i'm coming across as.

9. Tactful

Being self aware also means I tend to not be inappriopriate or act wrongly in a situation.

10. Socially selective

Since my mind has gathered so much information about those around, I know who I wont to affilate with.

In conclusion, your overthinking mind is as much as blessing as it's a curse. Use it's power for good and you'll be happer with your many thoughts.


2 opmerkingen

03 okt 2019

I was once concerned that the way that I revved meant I was in danger of burning out. I reached out to a therapist who told me that sometimes artistic/creative minds tend to spin, and it's okay, and if I can't sleep, to get up and create, or weed my garden. It is important to be aware of what is obsessive/dangerous and what is the natural human proclivity to high energy.


01 okt 2019

This post is really relatable, because a lot of people struggle with overthinking things, I really enjoyed it


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