My name is Brittany Gunther and you can find me at my blog AnyBritt. I’m a pretty introverted person, but I am constantly involved in a plethora of activities from two collegiate sports, dance, theater and more. I am the youngest of six kids and my family is especially important to me. I mostly write about silly stories from my life and childhood, so if that interests you come check out my blog.
Hi, I'm so happy that Tess is letting me talk to you guys about beauty though I’m definitely not as wise and helpful as she is!
When I think of beauty the first thing I thing that comes to mind is art and what types of things I like to make. Yes, I suppose I’m sort of an artist, but I usually shy away from the word and telling people about it. It’s silly, but there’s some odd pressure to telling someone you’re an “artist.” It tends to come with a desire to look at things you’ve made and this can be awkward but also if they don’t seem to like your work it is pretty depressing. Also it feels like too strong a word for little drawings and sketches. That being said I decided to share this fact with all of you whoever you are!
A big part of my inspiration for art has come from being raised on manga and I always thought the style was so beautiful and cool. I used to copy pictures from my favorite manga and anime all the time.
These days I still enjoy the anime style but I don’t copy things the same way I used to. It’s still useful to use references and I often rely on photos from my athletic endeavors to help inspire me. I like this sort of thing because the way an action shot looks can be super cool and even, dare I say it, beautiful but also tends to be unusual and I like to try and draw these to help stretch my skills.
I also like drawing anime type pictures based on photos of my family members and (if they turn out well) they can be fun random gifts. Art is always more beautiful and makes me happier if it’s for someone I love.
I don’t know if I’m at the level of a true artist but I’m always working on improving my art. I think making art is pretty beautiful because it’s taking an idea and making something new out of it and I hope to do even better at this in the future!
If you want to hear more from me and read some funny stories check out my blog!
Thanks for listening and thanks again to Tess for giving me this opportunity to share on her blog!

Hang on.... you DREW this, Britt?! I absolutely love it. My favorite portrait of you--captures your intensity and your humor.